Everyday Life


He is gonna hate that I put this picture up....he did not want to pose for this picture,
but I thought it added so much character to this lengthy post

I simply must rejoice in the goodness of God in providing for us so faithfully over the last year!  We moved to DE February 28th and Mark started looking for employment the very next week.  We knew the Lord would work mightily...and He has!
Mark was able to get some hours with the school system substitute teaching last spring shortly before the end of the school year.
We were at complete odds on starting up a Brumbaugh Lawncare here in Delaware, but the need arose and the Lord provided some equipment to open up Brumbaugh Lawncare LLC in May of 2011.  Needless to say, it was an incredible challenge and joy to see the Lord provide accounts one by one.  However, building a business from scratch takes time so we knew that we would need another option once the cutting season ended.  We were specifically praying for a job that would still facilitate ministry at Trinity as well as income to pay the bills through the process of growing this business.  
One day in August, Mark was driving down the main highway here in Dover going into local businesses marketing Brumbaugh Lawncare in hopes of acquiring some new contacts/contracts.  The Lord put it in his mind to walk into a business (which had no grounds to maintain) called Garda and ask if they were hiring any positions.  No- was the response he was given, so he just had a casual conversation with the guy behind the counter.  The Lord orchestrated the conversation to flow so smoothly and before Mark left, the man reached over and gave Mark an application and encouraged him to fill it out and bring it back because there may or may not have been a position opening up:)  Mark filled out the application ASAP and dropped it off after he dropped me off at the hospital to be induced with Levi....obviously, it was our 4th:)  
That began the 2-1/2 month process of step after step in their hiring process.
fingerprinting and background check
drug test
State police clearance to carry a weapon
pistol course (he will be taking this in December)
The Lord allowed Mark to begin this new job with Garda November 21st and we are thrilled with just how God has been to meet this need.  
It is a full-time position, which will require about 50-55 hours a week.  And...he is not allowed to use his phone or even have it turned on while on the clock!  That's an adjustment-considering he is gone 11 hours a day driving an armored vehicle all over Delaware delivering money to ATM's, Bank's, and retailers!  Maybe just a little bit of risk involved there...but I am so thankful to be reassured that nothing can thwart the plan God has for Mark's days here on this earth.  
Our plan is to be able to hire someone to work Brumbaugh Lawncare this next year and continue to pursue more accounts.  Our long term goal is for Brumbaugh Lawncare to work Mark out of his Garda job so that he is freed up for more ministry involvement at Trinity Church.  We have enjoyed this season of flexibility over the last year and now, we are excited to begin this new stage of our lives.  Who knows what God has in store....but I do know that By Faith we will see the hand of God moving and directing our steps!

1 comment:

Andie said...

so awesome!!

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