I know many of you keep updated on my dad via caring bridge, so I won't take time to update all the medical details, but rather update with some pictures of Grandy and all his new toys:)
meeting Levi for the first time...Levi was 2 weeks old. have I mentioned he is a big baby??? *smile*
Simeon's favorite spot...as soon as he saw my dad sitting in his wheelchair at home...he started trying to climb up. He loves to sit here and ride around
1 comment:
I know this post is about your father - but I just want you to know how encouraged I was to read about your boys. My boys are the same. Experience everything through touch and feel and whatever else. and Carson (oldest) just has so much energy -more than a lot of kids. I struggle when I can see others thinking he is hyperactive or not well mannered b/c he doesn't just sit there like that sweet girl and I'm constantly chasing him around making sure he doesn't break anything. I just want to tell everyone - he's not being "bad" he's just different than other kids in a lot of ways. It comforts me when I hear other mother's deal with the same thing. He is a sinner and very sinful sometimes - but not a terrible kid. :) Thanks for putting that in here! Sometimes I wish everyone would understand that about some boys- and I know now to be a lot less harsh/judgemental of other children's behaviors! :)
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