Check out this pantry that was blessed by God beyond its boundaries today! Mark came home from seminary today with a truck full of groceries someone anonymously gave to us. We have been eating beans and rice, beans and rice, beans and rice...etc. for the last 3 weeks trying to stay within our budget and today...WOW!! What a humble reminder that God sees our needs. Sure I could have gone out and put the groceries on the credit card since we needed them...but how much better to stand in the kitchen and weep for joy over God's obvious provision to our growing family! Mark and I kept unloading more and more into the pantry praying and thanking God with eyes filled with tears and hearts filled with praise...and Titus walked around clapping and squealing repeating us in saying Hallelujah! Needless to say, my pantry has never looked so awful......but yummy!!
YAAAAA!!!!! for updates!! Have you thought about applying for food stamps? we simply could not afford basic bills and groceries, the money was just not there. Now we get a certain amount every month and I know how much i can spend and I can pay rent! :) It's great and I know that this is the Lord's provision for us right now. Just a thought. Love you and the new pics.
1) Thank you for updating the blog
2) What a wonderful answer to prayer! It's so neat to see the LORD working in your lives.
3) The Whitbaugh tree is hilarious! Seminary has made you all quite resourceful =-)
4) More pics of Titus, please!!!!!
YAY! I cried after you told me. I remember people doing that for my family growing up...we'd have wood for fires, food and even money sticking in our door. God will use gracious people over and over again to remind us that He's not forgotten our basic needs (even our wants). He's amazing and always has the perfect timing to bring a huge blessing. We rejoice with yall!!!!
I LOVE the pic's. Hope to get to visit SOON before the new little man arrives!!!
love you
YAY! I cried after you told me. I remember people doing that for my family growing up...we'd have wood for fires, food and even money sticking in our door. God will use gracious people over and over again to remind us that He's not forgotten our basic needs (even our wants). He's amazing and always has the perfect timing to bring a huge blessing. We rejoice with yall!!!!
I LOVE the pic's. Hope to get to visit SOON before the new little man arrives!!!
love you
Thanks for sharing! What a great thing to remember how God will take care of you! And thanks for the helpful tip re: Old Navy. Both Shannon and I took advantage of some sales - Thanks!
That is awesome!! God is so good!
Isn't it great to see how the Lord provides. He is so faithful.
I have tears of joy for you! God is SO GOOD!!
that is so exciting! I am so thankful for how God provided for you!
That's so exciting, Anne. Those stories are the ones that you'll be reminded of in the future as a reminder of God's faithfulness to you. And Titus us such a cute, big boy! I'll bet he'll loving being an older brother. We're thrilled for you!
Annie, I just cried as I read this post. Cried #1 for the sweet God that we have to provide for you through the body of Christ and cried #2 because I HAD NO IDEA. I need to be more in-tune with the needs of others!!!! By the way, everytime I stay within my food budget, I think of my friend Annie who is so disciplined and good with her budget!!!!;)
What an awesome God who provides for all our needs!! I miss you guys.
I too have to say Thank you for your transparency, Praise to our Gracious God, and that I too, have tears in my eyes as I think of my own life, the body of Christ, and how we work together. And - how often I complain, when my pantry is full.
What an awesome blessing! It was so good spending time with you at your shower - you were such an encouragement as you shared your parenting journey.
That is awesome! Thanks for sharing. Praise the Lord for his goodness... I'm so thankful that He chooses to show us SO CLEARLY that He is faithful to supply ALL our needs!
We serve an awesome God! Thanks for sharing how God provided!
wow wow wow!!! God is so good!! so you'll still probably be all stocked up when little one comes!! which I see is right around the corner :)
that is really cool. that is true faith based living, right there. great testimony of depending on the Lord.
wow, that is awesome! praise the Lord!
I want to see pictures of Ezra!!!
I want to see pictures of Ezra!!!
I want to see pictures of Ezra!!!
I want to see pictures of Ezra!!!
I want to see pictures of Ezra!!!
I want to see pictures of Ezra!!!
I want to see pictures of Ezra!!!
I want to see pictures of Ezra!!!
I want to see pictures of Ezra!!!
I want to see pictures of Ezra!!!
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