Everyday Life


less than a week left in Va Beach...and my emotions are quite mixed.
Mark and I were married in June of 2005...
2 weeks later we moved to Va Beach. Alone:) in fact, we unloaded our own moving truck in about 1 hour so I could rush off to a job interview.
No shower...shorts, T-shirts, flip-flops...mapquest directions, sweat beaded all over my face...So glad I was headed to an interview at the YMCA...and...today...was my last day there. Well, I actually had to call in due to sick kiddos...but my heart was saddened at the thought that I am through teaching my absolute favorite kiddos with some of the most generous and kindhearted people I know. My adaptive swim class each Friday morning has truly blessed and opened my heart in so many ways. Those kids remind me each week of the curse of dwelling on this imperfect earth...and over and over my heart rejoices at the goodness of our King who will one day make all things New...
I must admit...my first week I was scared to death when their bus pulled up. I remember meeting the first group and thinking...what do I do now?? and now I sit here thinking...will I ever be so honored to teach another adaptive swim class? I won't sit here and recount so many of the incredible kiddos....but my journal will most certainly be full of the lessons and truths that the Spirit taught me as I served these kids and teens. I learned so much about the wonderful and challenging world of special needs kids-truly, an honor for me in so many ways.
And to think 5-1/2 years ago I never would have imagined I would miss my last day of work for sick kiddos......but what an honor it was to serve Ezra and Simeon today....I was reminded over and over of my sinful heart and my glorious Savior today......oh for the day we will worship without the flesh......now, that's a sweet truth to wash away these bittersweet emotions:)


Future of Hope said...

Really needed that reminder today, Anne; thanks a bunch!

mom and dad said...

aahhhh, how sweet and special is that. yes, sad also. the next 5 1/2 will go by quicker and just try to imagine your precious kiddos then.

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