I LOVE listening to sermons as I go about my daily tasks here at home. PArtly because I get lonely and enjoy the "adult" conversation...but also partley because I know it is falling on the ears of my 2 young toddlers who roam about unsuspecting as they play. I have my favs that I like to listen to...but toady I decided to do something alittle different...and I made sure it was during nap time because I had a feeling I would not be encouraged by truth as I listened in.
I was presented with the opportunity to listen to a sermon by a man that I would not normally listen too; However, his "sermon" topic and some chatter I had seen on facebook peeked my interest and I decided to listen in to the sermon. Needless to say, I was unimpressed and indeed a bit cynical as I listened to this man rant about why young men are leaving fundamentalism...and my lasting thought was...no sir, you have it all wrong..."sermons"-more like a soap box- like this are the reason so many young men are leaving (running as fast as they can) away from fundamentalism!
Pastor Dan Sweatt from Berean Baptist Church in Georgia. This session, entitled Young and Restless was recorded at the South Regional Fellowship of the Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International which met at The Wilds, a Christian camp in Brevard, North Carolina April 6-7 of this year.
I was super duper relieved to see that Dr. Kevin Bauder wrote an essay as a rebuttle against this presentation entitled: Time to Speak Up and if this rebuttle were in audio format I would have gladly played both in the presence of my toddlers.
If you decide to listen in to this session, please promise me that you will do yourself the wonderful favor of reading the essay Dr. Bauer wrote after you listen in...if you can stomach the entire session!
ENJOY (if that is the right word!)
I will be tuned in to see what comes of this as Dr. Bauder gives a wonderful call to action at the conclusion of his essay.
Thanks so much for blogging about this! I've seen chatter on FB but haven't had the chance to listen to "the sermon." I did read Dr Bauder's essay and it is well-written and thought-provoking. Hopefully I will listen to the other side this weekend.
well put. this "soap box" was responded to well by Dr. Bauder. We were excited to see him address this!
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