Just as a precursor to this post. I want everyone to know that I am sacrificing precious nap time to post these pictures and updates...so if you look at this post you had better leave me a comment! None of this blog surfing when I am losing precious sleep in order to satisfy your surfing tendencies...now, on with the post
This last week was my first week at home all by myself with the 2 boys. I loved every minute of it...but definitely am looking forward to a visit from my mom and sister next weekend. I guess loneliness is the biggest adjustment, but one that I am willing to get used to! I don't mind staying home with the boys especially since it just seems to make things run smoother if Titus gets his naps in and I can feed Ezra every 3 hours. Ezra is sleeping fine and aside from his bowel habits...I couldn't ask for a better baby.
Mark is busy as ever and we rarely got to see him this last week, but the few minutes we did see him were absolutely wonderfully fun!
Titus' ears are still bothering him so I am taking him to the Dr. for another appt. this week to see what is going on in there. He absolutely adores Ezra and has helped me many times in taking care of Ezra. Earlier this week Ezra was crying downstairs while I was upstairs and I called Titus to come to me. He obeyed immediately...but when we went downstairs to check on Ezra...I noticed Ezra's pacifier sitting on top of his back as he lay in the stroller. I immediately knew Titus had been down there trying to give Ezra the paci when he heard me call him...so he just set the paci on Ezra's back and came to me. LAter during the week I noticed Ezra's slipper sitting on top of his back as he lay in the stroller. I realized that Titus noticed that Ezra lost his slipper...so he set it on top of Ezra's back since Ezra was crying. both of those instances just made me giggle and thank the Lord that for the last 3 weeks Titus has been going through so many adjustments...but the Lord continues to strengthen him and allow the transition to be a smooth one.
I am doing well. I am sleepy...but amazingly enough God continues to give me enough energy to keep going on only a few hours of sleep. It really is amazing how God programs new mommies and prepares us for the task of these physically demanding times.
We all four made it to Sunday School today and the pictures above (sorry that they are out of order) prove it! We were on time and I even had Ezra fed on schedule so I could attend the morning worship service...but as I sat in the nursery feeding Ezra, I could hear Titus clear across the hall in the 1 year old nursery crying screaming and whining. I was tempted to just leave him in there and let the nursery workers deal with it...since I was so excited to be able to go into the worship service. But after finishing with Ezra I decided to go and check on T. He was crying in a crib rubbing his ears as I walked up and as soon as he saw me he screamed like a crazy man. So, I picked him up and thanked the nursery workers for their patience with him...and we went to get Mark and let him know we needed to go home. So...we were at church less than 2 hours...but at least we were able to get in on the sunday school lesson and I was able to nurse in a different room than my living room. Such small niceties...but I was thankful for the time out with my sweet family.
Titus and Ezra are both napping and Mark is getting ready to leave to do some work...so I am going to add the pictures to the blog and go rest myself!
Oh, the fourth and fifth pictures are of my latest and greatest idea. Some friends of ours moved a few weeks ago and gave us their double stroller. I had no where to put it so I just stuck it in my kitchen...and man oh man has it been a huge blessing. Ezra takes just about every nap in it...and Titus sits in it for his snacks and while I make his meals. He loves looking out the window at the flowers and the kids that play outside in the afternoons...so it works out perfectly. I have gone on several walks with it as well...but who ever thought it would be such a handy piece of furniture!
What a great looking family and what a wonderful update. Sounds like you are busy!!! We will be praying for Titus with his ear infections and for strength for you. I'm not sure I'd be able to handle it all. The Lord certainly does give strength when we need it.
(Yes, I have been lurking... but your comments convicted me. = ) I'll try to post comments more often! = ) )
Laura Dunning
Yay for a new post! You all look very nice in your Sunday duds. I'm glad you are adjusting and I'm sorry to hear about T's ear problems. Loved his voicemail last night--he makes my heart melt. Love you all!
~Aunt Bon-Bon
Love the story of Titus "helping"! He's already a good big brother. sorry to hear about his ear infections - Elijah is just getting over them, and it's no fun at all! Get some rest momma!!
Hey - I can appreciate your comment about the niceties. Sometimes just going out where there are other people to talk to can be so refreshing! Somedays I only teach my non-native speakers and when Tim comes home I talk his ear off. He tells me I need to go out to the store and talk to people or make more friends!
Great pictures of your boys. It can be quite an adjustment going from 1 to 2. I love it when the big one helps. I admit I am a lurker on your blog.
Well, I will feel too guilty if I don't leave a comment :) So...I loved the pictures!!! The seminary/baby days will create many GREAT memories for the years to come! Lots of fun! I could relate to the post on getting your pantry filled - that was great.
I appreciated the update - thanks for sacrificing nap time. I am pretty sure I would not be so inclined. :-) Glad to hear of God giving strength despite lack of sleep. Gives me hope for our not too distant future. ;-)
you are looking great! it is exciting to hear how God always gives us even "small" encouragements when we need them most.
You look fabulous - and you just had a baby!
Thanks for skipping your nap and updating the pics. Talk to you soon!!
Oh how funny! You crack me up--you better believe I will leave you a comment, mama;) Thanks for the chat tonight--it was so wonderful to talk to you and spend time with you and the boys. And Emma too;)
Love the new piece of furniture--although I am partial to the other new piece of furniture in the living room;) (!!!)
What adorable boys you have =) That is great that Titus is such a great helper. I am sure it will only get better and better. I can only imagine how sleepy you must be, but you said it so well that God gives you the strength you need to get through. Glad you were able to get to church on Sunday! Hopefully next Sunday will go better. Hope Titus feels better soon!
Anne- thanks for the msg on my blog. Is that a first? Did you convict yourself and decide to comment to me? :) lol I loved seeing the fam. You do look very nice. Not only did you feed and dress everyone- you look beautiful like you spent time on yourself! Way to go- supermom!!!!
annie, it's so demanding of you to require a comment of me just to read your post. i'll have you to know that i'm taking the time to leave a comment on your blog instead of packing up the items that are spread all over my bed.
just kidding. but i do have stuff all over my bed that needs to be packed tonight.
glad you got some family pictures- who took the one of all of you?
thanks again for taking care of my little bully tonight. (daddy heard about her hitting titus). it will be so nice to go grocery shopping alone tomorrow, too. let me know if you need anything.
thank you for the milk :). now, if we only had some cereal (running out of cereal is a cardinal sin in our house).
catch up with you tomorrow- must go pack now.
Anne, I have a bog too! Your family is so beautiful. Whenever you get a chance check out our blog.
Those were great pictures of your Sunday outing. Glad you could make it for the morning. Glad the family seems to be adjusting well. Thanks for the update and pictures!!
I am leaving a comment mainly b/c I understand the sacrifice of giving up a nap and although you don't know me, I do come on here periodically b/c I am great friends with your sister-in-law Beth. First,let me say Congratulations--very overdue, and I like the name you guys chose for this little guy. Also, I understand what you are facing as I have two children of my own 4 and 3, am expecting #3 in 6 weeks and my husband is in Seminary... So i understand your days can be long and hard and am about to face that newborn stage all over again!! Isn't it amazing the strength God gives when we think we can't handle another day? Anyway, just wanted to say Congrats and hope things continue to go well with Ezra:)
your pics are GORGEOUS! I'm so proud of you..you're doing a fantastic job with the boys! keep at it -- thanks soo much for today....you are such a good influence on me. :-) I just hope I can return the favor soon.
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